Program as following :
Day 1. Palermo
Day 2 Palermo – San Giovanni – Segesta – Mazara del Vallo – Palermo
Day 3 Palermo – Cuba – Monreale -Corleone – Enna
Day 4 Enna – Agrigento – Calascibetta – Davidé Finca – Castle of Enna & Old Historical city of Enna – Enna
Day 5 Enna – Etna – Taormina – Catania
Day 6 Catania – Caltagirone – Mosque Catania – Piazza Duomo – Catania
Day 7 Catania Airport
– Hotel : 4**** very good Hotels based on Bed & breakfast
– Meals : Half Board board Halal ( Halal Dinner ) Lunch will be indicated to Clients for Halal Food
– Transportation Private Car / Coach : Program from Day 1 from the Airport until the tour finishes on Day 7 at the Airport
– Taxes : All City Transportation Tourism Taxes & Person Tourist taxes
– Private Official GPG Guide : Program from Day 1 until the tour finishes Muslim Guide will be at the clients disposal during the full tour 24/7 and overnight at the same hotel as clients.
– Prayer : Facilities & Mosque and Muslim community visits and encounters during the full stay
– Entrances Fees : Included all sight visits mentioned in program
– Not included : Lunches / Tips / Private Insurances and any other personal expenses
All Tours start at the indicated date at 1pm afternoon – Clients who arrive a day earlier due to flight issues ( meaning 1 day before the tour day starts ) after informing us we will charge a 1 time additional supplement which includes the Hotel overnight & breakfast and Transfer from Airport to the Hotel .
Important :“ We always accommodate our clients in 4**** Hotels , however depending on the season when the prices are high we keep the right to accommodate them in 3*** or to mix to avoid any sub charge to the clients due to the high season “
Full Itinerary

Meals : Exclusive Halal Half-board arrangements.
Sightseeing :Palermo “ Bal Alharm “ in the Arabic language , Adiscovery tour, to one of the major cities of Italy, and the historical and administrative capital of Sicily. Palermo was conquered in 831 by the Islamic Abbasid Empire from North Africa and became the main capital of the Muslim Emirate of Sicily until 1072, almost 300 years governed and under central Islamic control, and continued in brave rebellion for almost 200 years against the Norman Kings and crusaders until 1250 during the final great war between King Federico and Emir Muhammad Ibn Abbad – We will bring visits to the most beautiful historical Mosques as “ Al Jamm’e Al Akbar “ also known as “The Cathedral of Palermo” where the silent witness at the Maingate a marble pillar is inscripted with verses from the Holy Quran ; Surat Al Aaraaf verse 7:54 , as divine message left to all the generations passing this ancient Mosque – also we will bring a visit to the immense beautiful and spiritual ruins of “ San Giovanni degli Eremiti “ Ones the largest Mosque and Madrassa of Palermo – and we will bring a visit to a present active Mosque to do our prayers together with the local present Muslim community – Dinner & Overnight in Palermo.
Meals : Exclusive Halal Half-board arrangements.
Sightseeing : This Morning we will bring a visit to “ Calatafimi Segesta” in Arabic “ Qal’at al-Fimi “ is a town of just over 8,000 inhabitants in a rural area of the province of Trapani. The Islamic Empire called Trapani “ Itrabinis, Tarabanis, Trapanesch “ and their presence significantly marked the region: in Islamic architecture, agriculture, art, language and culture. “ Calatafimi Segesta” was founded during the Muslim domination of the island around a Byzantine fortification known as “ Kal’at al-Fimi “ or the Bastion of Euphemius, a legendary Muslim leader who was said to have led the first Muslim invaders of Sicily in 827 AD. The town was one of the first to be conquered by the Muslims from North Africa – After the Islamic Empire collapsed in 1070 by the Norman Kings , The Muslims search refugee in the high mountains and remained in rebellion and resistance against the Christian Crusaders for almost 200 years and the most important one and last bastion was “ Calatafimi Segesta” – A Morning Tour visit through the beautiful valley of Segesta to the ancient last remainings of the last official Grand Mosque in Sicily – The remains of the Mosque ruins are located in the immediate vicinity of the ancient theatre of Segesta. The Mihrab niche on the south side, is still correctly oriented to the direction of Mecca within a few degrees of southeast,.It was a rural Mosque from Norman Crusade times, which was built, along with the fortified settlement, on high ground by an Islamicised people fleeing the lands gradually being conquered by the Normans. It is narrowed that the Mosque didn’t serve just the village but also the entire surrounding area. – Later we will continue our Journey to the immense beautiful coastal city and sea port Marsala, which the Muslim Arabs called “Marsa Allah”, which means “ The port of Allah “. Marsala has a very ancient history, which has its roots in the Phoenician-Punic age. ….after having enjoyed our visit and our delicious Lunch “ Typical Sicilian Traditional Couscous “ we will continue our Journey to “ Mazara Del Vallo “ . At the mouth of the river Màzaro stands a town overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, a tangible symbol of a union between cultures and traditions: “ Mazara del Vallo “ The old historic town, once enclosed within the Medina walls, is full of monumental churches, ( originally Mosques ) some of them dating back to the 10th century, and it features the typical Islamic urban layout of the neighborhoods, very similar to a Medina in Fez..Baghdad or Damascus, the so-called “ Kasbah “, with narrow streets acting as a distinctive sign…after our visit we will continue North to the far western shore of Sicily, with the hilltop town of Erice at the high top of the mountain. While enjoying the sunset and the spectacular panoramic views of the Mediterranean sea from this castle with winds billowing in from the sea, it perfectly reflects the two looming towers of the “ Al Jafar “ castle. Al Jafar was built out of the ruins of an Muslim Arab hunting lodge and preserves the name of “ Ja’far al-Kalbi II “, an Emir of an Muslim Arab dynasty who ruled Sicily from 998 to 1019.. Dinner Overnight in Palermo.
– Erice Mountain visit only if the day time schedule permits –
Meals :Exclusive Halal Half-board arrangements.
Sightseeing : Panoramic Tour through the beautiful Sicilian landscapes which is rich of the Islamic History and Muslim roots,The wonders of Arab-Norman Palermo are spread between the historical centre of the charming northern Sicilian city and thetowns of Cefalù and Monreale, home to two cathedrals ( Original Mosques ) that symbolize the rich Islamic Heritage in the Emirate of Islamic of Sicily.These splendid examples of Muslim Arab Heritage , which even succeeded and transmitted even during the Norman Kingsin Sicily. Arab-Norman Palermo is an exceptional example of artistic syncretism in which elements of Western architecture are foundcombined with Muslim Arab and Byzantine architecture. This stylistic synthesis led UNESCO to include the Muslim Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedrals of Cefalù and Monreale in the World Heritage List in 2015 – Incha Allah after our visits and after wehave enjoyed our delicious Lunch at the sea side in Cefalu we will continue our journey to the world famous village due to the movie of“ The Godfather “… the village of “ Corleone “.The local Mafia clan, the Corleonesi, led the Mafia in the 1980s and 1990s, and were themost violent and ruthless group ever to take control of the organization. Corleone municipality has an area of 22,912 hectares and is located inan inland area of the mountain, in the valley between the Rocca di Maschi, the Castello Soprano and the Castello Sottano. Corleone is locatedat 542 meters (1,778 ft) above sea level. What a lot don’t know is that the etymology of the name is as narrowed finding its origin, from theArabic Kurulliùn Qurlayun off the Islamic Emirate of Sicily that its origin derives from a Muslim Arab fighter named “ Kurliyun “ (cf. Coeur Leon, Lion heart), who conquered it for the Aghlabids in the year 840 from the Byzantium Christian Armies. In 840, Corleone wasconquered by the North African Aghlabids during the Muslim conquest of Sicily. It was during the Muslim occupation that it gainedeconomic, military and strategic importance. In 1080 the city was conquered by the Normans, and in 1095 it was annexed to the Diocese of Palermo. Even in the 1170s it was recorded that the majority of the population of the area was Muslim (more than 80%), including thosebearing Arabo-Islamic names derived from Greek.There was also a Mosque, called “ Masjid Al-Bariy “, within the town.Following thelarge-scale anti-Muslim attacks by Lombard settlers in Eastern Sicily in 1161 led by future King of Sicily, Tancred, the town became a refugefor many fleeing Muslims. In 1208, a Muslim uprising succeeded in retaking the town from Christian rule. In 1222, while speaking with thePope, Frederick II of Sicily cited the need to fight the Muslims of Corleone as a reason for his inability to send a large crusader armyto Jerusalem.To this day, the rock formation, Castello Soprano, has a Saracen (Moor/Muslim) lookout tower on top of it. While the town’sother rock formation, Castello Sottano, did not preserve its own Saracen fortification, it is nonetheless still known as “ Castello di Saraceni “The Castle of the Moors / Muslims “.It’s even narrowed by historians that the word “Mafia” (Italian: [ˈmaːfja]) derives from theSicilian adjective Mafiusu, which, roughly translated, means “swagger”, but can also be translated as “boldness” or “bravado”.Because Sicily was once an Islamic emirate from 830 to 1072, Mafia is most certain to have come to Sicilian through Arabic, though theThe word’s origins are uncertain. Possible Arabic roots of the word include: Ma’afi (معفي) = exempted. In Islamic law, Jizya, is the yearly taximposed on non-Muslims residing in Muslim lands. But also Màha = quarry, cave; especially the mafie, the caves in the region of Marsala,which acted as hiding places for persecuted Muslims and later served other types of refugees, – Mahyas (مهياص) = aggressive boasting,bragging – Marfud (مرفوض) = rejected, considered to be the most plausible derivation; Marfud developed into marpiuni (swindler) tomarpiusu and finally mafioso.- Mu’afa (معافى) = safety, protection Ma àfir = The name of an Arab tribe that ruled Palermo. The local peasantsimitated these Arabs and as a result the tribe’s name entered the popular lexicon. The word Mafia was then used to refer to the defenders ofPalermo during the Sicilian Vespers against rule of the Capetian House of Anjou on 30 March 1282. Mafyá, meaning “ Place of Shade ”.The word “Shade” means refuge or derived from refuge. After the Normans destroyed the Muslim rule in Sicily in the eleventh century,Sicily became feudalistic. Most Arab smallholders became serfs on new estates, with some escaping to “ The Mafia.” It became a secretrefuge for Muslim rebels.Transfer & overnight at the immense beautiful mountain city of Enna.
– Cefalu village visit only if the day time schedule permits –
DAY 4 ENNA – CALASCIBETTA ( Historical Muslim Berber Village ) – AGRIGENTO – REALMONTE – ENNA
Meals : Exclusive Halal Half-board arrangements.
Sightseeing :After breakfast we will start our amazing discovery tour of “ Enna “ Situated at the centre of the island of Sicily, Enna, known until1927 as Castrogiovanni, is the highest provincial capital in Italy (at 948 meters above sea level). The Greeks called it the “umbilicus of Sicily”and due to its easily defendable position on the top of a tall hill, it was a key objective for the many invaders that have sought to conquer theisland over the centuries.The city became the focal point of the Muslim Arab invasion of Sicily, which began in 827 AD with Palermo falling in831. Enna however took 30 years to conquer and after several failed attempts, the Muslim Arabs finally managed to get in through the sewersystem in 859. Its Roman name Castrum Ennae was arabized to “Kasr Al Jannah”, bringing an end to the Byzantine period in Sicily. Enna’sThe main attraction is the Lombard Castle “ Kasr Al Jannah “. It is situated on the eastern corner of the plain and overlooks the whole city. Historiansagree that the castle was erected on the ruins of an earlier fortification of Muslim Arab ground. Afterward we will continue our journey to theimmense beautiful Muslim Berber Mountain village of “ Calascibetta “ The name of Calascibetta probably derives from the Arabic,“Qalʾat, Chibat “ Qalat means Military Bastion and Chibat, a word that indicates the mountain on which the inhabited center stands.It is assumed that Calascibetta was born in the ninth century as a Muslim Military camp, on the fortress in front of Henna, to attempt the siege ofthe Byzantine stronghold. The territory was already inhabited in ancient times, as evidenced by the necropolises of Calcarella, Realmese, ValleConiglio and Malpasso, the Copper Age. After we having a joined a Traditionally Sicilian Berber Lunch we continue our journey to Agrigentoand Realmonte ,Visit the famous “Valle dei Templi”, an archaeological site in Sicily, The area was included in the UNESCO Heritage Site list in1997. Visit the “Scala dei Turchi” or “Stairway of the Turks” in English, is a very beautiful and extensive rocky cliff overlooking the sea, whichis located in Realmonte. They say that the name comes from the ancient Muslim raids and Muslim Empire, that protected their wind-poweredboats amid these cliffs.. Overnight & Dinner in Enna.
Meals : Exclusive Halal Half-board arrangements.
Sightseeing : Morning Tour to the immense beautiful natural beauty “ The Vulcan of Etna “ Mount Etna is included on the UNESCO WorldHeritage list for its important geological, scientific, and cultural value, adding much to research and study, recorded for some 2,700 years,with its varied volcanic features: craters, cones, valleys and flows. At 500,000 years old, Mount Etna is the most active and the highestvolcano in Europe climbing 10,000 feet. It has been recognized not only on the basis of its scientific value, intense and persistent volcanicactivity, but also for its fundamental role within the Mediterranean bio-geographical region. The name Etna In Italian is Mongibello, and inSicilian, Muncibeddu. Mons from the Latin for mountain. Gebe from the Arabic for mountain. The word Etna means to burn, in the ancientPhoenician language. This volcano is both feared and revered. Its naturally destructive nature also gives Sicily some of its most fertile, mineralrich, and arable land. Minerality is the hallmark of the particularly delicious fruits from this region and what contributes to outstanding fruit,nuts, honey, and intensely colored flora.Afterwards we will continue our journey to the beautiful coastal city of “Taormina” is a communeand a small town on the east coast of the Island of Sicily, has been a very popular tourist destination since the 19th century. Panoramic tour ofMuslim Arab-Norman “ Castle of Monte Tauro “ . The town of Taormina, near Syracuse, is worth seeing. The town, which was conquered bythe Muslims in 902 and named “Tâbermine,” has an incredible view of the Mediterranean. The famous “ Corvaja Palace “, originally builtby Muslims, still stands there. Afterwards we continue our Journey to the second largest city of Sicily “ Catania “The city which is called”Qataaniyya” by Muslims has one of Italy’s largest harbors, and is perhaps the biggest harbor in the whole of Europe. The city is thehomeland of well-known composer Bellini and the city features an opera building named after him. Overnight & Dinner in Catania.
Meals :Exclusive Halal Half-board arrangements.
Sightseeing :After breakfast, we will depart to “ Caltagirone “. Caltagirone is one of the most important tourist destinations in Sicily thanks toits Muslim artistic and ceramic heritage and the beauty of its views and monuments. The Muslim contribution to the city culture is honored in thename of the town – afterwards we will visit “ Catania” and Pray “ Jumouah “ ( if Friday matches our visit ) Prayer at the local grand Mosque of Cataniawith the local Muslim community of Sicily and Catania , later in the afternoon we will discover the Historical Old City of Catania and we willhave free time for shopping and Leisure at the most beautiful Historical Piazzas of this Grand City. Dinner & Overnight in Catania.
Meals : Breakfast only arrangements.
Sightseeing : After breakfast, Transfer to Catania International Airport for your return flight.